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Tru Flare Bear Bangers15mm Centrefire Exploding Cartidges, Orange Shell, Box of 6

Tru Flare Bear Bangers15mm Centrefire Exploding Cartidges, Orange Shell, Box of 6

Regular price $25.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $25.99 CAD
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 BearBanger Cartridge 6PK, Tru Flare

Having the ability to scare off bears, cougars and other animals from a distance is a fundamental tool when outdoors. Consider this your way to alert or scare bears and other animals before they get too close for comfort

The Tru Flare BearBanger works with any of the Tru Flare Launchers (center fire) and comes in a lightweight, self contained water resistant cartridge with a threaded base

Once fired the BearBanger travels for 38m (125ft) before exploding with an impressively loud bang

Most commonly these are used as a bear deterrent but are also suggested for cougars, birds, elk or other animals

The Tru Flare BearBanger has unmatched reliability and extremely simple to use

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